Total Teen Health and Wellness: A Doctor's Guide for Parents

14. Why Does My Teen Need a Sports Physical Every Year? Listen to Learn More!

Shanna Garza, MD Episode 14

Every parent of a student athlete knows summer is the time to get all of the forms signed for school! The Pre-participation Screening Exam is required in most schools for teen athletes and students to participate in any physical activity at school. In Adolescent Medicine, we spend a lot of time in summer completing these exams and getting kids ready for the upcoming school year. Dr. Shanna Garza, Adolescent Medicine physician and host of Total Teen Health and Wellness, discusses why this exam is so important for teen athletes. The pre-participation exam helps us screen patients for heart conditions, risk of fainting, risk of concussion, risk of injury and eating disorders. For some patients, this may be one of the few times they are seen by a doctor so it's a great opportunity for preventive care!